Unlimited language support
Expand your reach beyond the default locales provided by Type CMS by adding unlimited custom locales and languages.
Language fallback support
Type CMS automatically falls back to a default language if specific locale translations are unavailable, ensuring consistent and understandable content for all users.
AI-powered translations
Automatically translate your content to 32 languages with our AI-powered translation assistant with a click of a button.
Multi-language support and locale segmentation
Type CMS supports automated translations and content segmentation by locale, enabling users to manage content across unlimited locales and ensure region-specific relevance.
Easy translation workflows
Trigger notifications and approval / task workflows for your translation team to ensure content quality before it is published or deployed.
AI-powered translations
AI-powered automated translations to 32 languages that maintain the original meaning and tone of the content. All with a click of a button.
Efficient translation automation, centralized control, consistent quality.
Automating translation reduces manual effort, allowing your content strategy to scale easily to new regions without additional overhead. Seamless API integration ensures consistent quality and quick updates, while centralized control simplifies managing multilingual content and minimizes errors.
For Developers
For Content managers
For Executives
Use cases to get you started
We can't wait to see what you build
Global Marketing Campaigns
Tailor marketing campaigns to different regions by translating and localizing promotional materials, ensuring cultural relevance and higher engagement.
Multilingual E-commerce Websites
Serve localized product descriptions, customer reviews, and checkout processes, providing a seamless shopping experience for international customers.
Localized Customer Support
Offer support content, FAQs, and user manuals in multiple languages to enhance customer service and satisfaction in diverse markets.
Multilingual User Interfaces
Provide user interfaces in multiple languages for web and mobile applications, ensuring accessibility and ease of use for users who speak various languages.
Translating Media Transcripts
Translate transcripts for videos and podcasts into multiple languages, making content accessible to a global audience and improving engagement.
Tourism and Travel Guides
Provide travel guides, itineraries, and destination information in multiple languages to assist international tourists and travelers.